
The bracket, page 2

Still there? Very well. Place the U-bracket you just made with its middle section down, take a centerpoint and a hammer and guess where the middle is. Place the centerpoint on that spot, and hit it with the hammer. If you don't have a centerpoint or big nail, just mark it with the water resistant pen.

Next, mark on each leg of the U the point at 5mm from the round-off ends, in the middle of the strip.

drilling machine
Take out the 3.2mm drill, and drill all three holes. Then, get the 4.5mm drill, and drill the one on the bottom side of the strip again with this one. You can do that best from the other side, this way you also remove sharp remains from the last drill. By drilling the hole in two steps, you can work much more accurate, and reduce the risk of a drill that walks over your work, ruining everything.

Again, take the vile, and remove all sharp remains. Mind you, this is important, most of your work will be visible in the end result!

Jou might want to sand this bracket at this stage. If you do so, I suggest waterproof paper, grain 400 and then 600, and USE WATER!!! However, I suggest you wait until you have cut and drilled everything before sanding.

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